No scheduled events at this time
Our current fundraiser events are above. If you are interested in a fundraiser please see the information below and contact us with any questions or to book your event.
Are you looking for a
fun and easy fundraiser?
Most of our classes can be booked to help you raise money for your fundraising goals. These events can be b​ooked in our studio, at one of our partner venues (Pubs, Restaurants or Wineries) or we can bring the event to your venue.
Our fundraiser events are done by picking a craft and we raise our base price by $5-$20/pp (depending on the craft) to help raise funds for your goal. All the craft registrations and payments would go through our system so all you need to do is advertise.
A new fundraiser option that we have is craft kit sales which could work similar to your typical fundraisers. You are provided with order forms with a selection of our craft kits on them and 20% of the sales would go towards your fundraiser. You do not need to collect payments; we would have people pay for their orders on the pick up date. We would set an order pick up date 2 weeks after your fundraiser end date and we could either have all orders picked up from your venue or at our studio; either way we help with this order pick up day to make sure it all runs smoothly 😉
Our schedule books up quickly so we usually need at least 30 to 60 days notice to book an event date.